Reading and Writing Forum
On the afternoon of 12th April, Anqing Foreign Language School’s east campus observed the grand opening of the special research and supervision forum of the 2nd Session Campus Reading and Writing Activities in Anhui Prvince.
To start with, accompanied by Deputy Researcher Yu Qifeng with Municipal Education& Sports Bureau, Publicity Minister Xie Ting with Municipal Corporation, Ms Wang Lijuan from the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, TV, Press and Publication of Anqing City, Ms Li Aixia, Principal Staff Member with Municipal Education& Sports Bureau and Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee as well as Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli, Director Yan Mingsheng with the Education Equipment Center of Provincial Department of Education, Senior Engineer Xie Gang with the Information Center of Privincial Department of Education, Vice Principal Guo Shijie from Anhui Chemical Engineering School in addition to Ms Deng Liling, committee member of the Campus Reading and Writing Activities in Anhui Province paid an official visit to Anqing Foreign Language School’s campus. President Madam Huang Wenli introduced to the inspection team in details the School History Museum, the Art Mueseum of Huangmei Opera, the Youth Activiy Base, Students’ Reading Bar and the Moving Study as well. Director Yan Mingsheng greatly appreciated Anqing Foreign Language School’s incredible campus environment and dense cultural atmosphere.
After the visit, everyone arrived at the conference room on the first floor of the administrative building to attend the symposium. Also in attendance were leaders from the Basic Education Section of the Education Bureau from all the districts in Anqing City, heads of the university reading activities and representatives from all the middle schools.
At the meeting, representatives respectively reported detailed information regarding the organization, implementation and featured activities of the campus reading and writing activities. The reporting panel listened attentively and checked all kinds of data.
To conclude, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Chinese teacher Liu Yao made a keynote speech who won the grand prize in last year’s 1st Session Campus Reading and Writing Activities in Anhui Province. She firstly presented Anqing Foreign Language School’s campus cultural features and the implementation status of teachers and students’ reading activities. Then Liu Yao shared her experience of reading and writing in combination with her award-winning works from last year. After hearing the report from teacher Liu Yao, Director Yan Mingsheng highly affirmed Anqing Foreign Language School’s achievements in this campaign and expressed his appreciation in that Anqing Foreign Language School actively carried out the colorful campus reading activities, solidly and effectively propelled the 2nd Session Campus Reading and Writing Activities in Anhui Province.





